Its as though every tradgety seems to mar my life, my mind, and tear my heart to peices. It was beautiful how things began and ended, such and irony. Such an irony that something like that, so simple, could touch me to the depths within. I writhe in pain, I feel like I know the pain, I can feel it. Except she never confesses her love it ends with the simple cold remark and chilling look. It ended for me, so many times. I feel like I shouldnt even be worrying about this, she is paid to make people believe. Me belive. That is what it says, it must be true though, there is no other way, how could such darkness capture my heart except through undying deception. How could I even wish for something so unreal, so imaginary. How could I even let myself imagine this, and why cant I let it go, even if I know its just an illusion created by the strange power within her.
Perhaps my love will be the cure, not the illusion or dream, but my true love that I have wished for so long. The one I would die for, do anything for, the one that I could spend my life with happily, without fear or pain.
Damn this illusion. And damn me for believing in it.

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