Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hahahah! I have a date. When I first asked I didn't expect it to happen. But it looks like it is. My best friend sinse forever, who of which I vowed to take her on her first date, though I still have not gotten to take her on a date. Its been years sinse we really talked and this is probably the fourth or fifth time that I have asked her. And this time she actually asked me if I was still up for Saturday! Hahahah! this is going to be great I am way excited. Autumn is really the perfect time for a date and a hike up the canyon is the perfect activity, lets include a picknic and it will be perfect. Here is a picture of her, I'll prolly have more by Saturday night when I update you all on it. ^_^v

1 comment:

Son_of_Thunder17 said...

Way to go man, i am way excited for you. Tell her hi for me, ok?